Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Putting a Face on Max Factor Mascara

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and we all know this lesson. Men enjoy their cars (and their women), women enjoy their makeup, and thats the way it is. On the market, billions of beauty products and makeup accessories are available. Someone may feel lost in the world of beauty products. However, there is one product, which is the most important for every woman the mascara. I will be more precise the Max Factor mascara.

If you are a rookie in the makeup world, first you have to understand that there are products for all eyelash needs. The first Max Factor mascara you will need is the Lash Lift mascara. The Lash Lift mascara gives your lashes a vivid look. This Max Factor mascara provides you with open look of your eyes by lifting the lashes. Your lashes will not pull down because this Max Factor mascara is lightweight and so it wont make your lashes heavy. This Max Factor mascara is also flake free. The Max Factor mascara will not make your eyes suffer never again.

Wonderful Max Factor mascara is the Lash Lift Waterproof mascara. It is also very light and non-flaking like the Lash Lift mascara but it is as well waterproof. This is what makes reapplying of this Max Factor mascara unneeded. This Max Factor mascara is very appropriate for sensitive eyes. This Max Factor mascara will not irritate your eyes in any way. You can even wear corrective contact lens using this Max Factor mascara. You do not have to worry about any unwanted reaction of the Max Factor mascara over your contacts.

The Lash Perfection mascara is an additional but very helpful Max Factor mascara. You can use it to get to those nearly impossible areas of your lashes. This Max Factor mascara has a wand with special bristles that are very flexible. You may use it to add makeup from the root of your lashes, to the very tip.

If you are lucky to have wonderful thick lashes, you may need just mascara without the color. The No Color Mascara is the best Max Factor mascara for your case. This Max Factor mascara works as good as your other mascara does, without coloring your lashes. Only in this way, you will be able to demonstrate the natural beauty of you lashes. This Max Factor mascara will make every woman envy you. This Max Factor mascara is the best choice if you do not want to be noticeable.

Max Factor mascara is the best choice for all events and people. If you need mascara, take Max Factor mascara. Self-confidence is everything you need to succeed in life. Beauty is the best source of confidence. Max Factor mascara will make you look great whether you do the shopping, whether you are out on a date or whatever you want.
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning beauty. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog84379
Celeste Blog52321

HD Home Distribution Just Picture It!

High Definition television is new to the UK and is certainly going down a storm. With the likes of Sky and NTL:Telewest providing more and more HD programming on a weekly basis, including a full gamut of sporting events, its no wonder that there is an increase in the amount of interest in home distribution of HD pictures.

Although not a mass market quite yet, HD will certainly become the standard by which we as consumers, and Sky and NTL: Telewest as broadcasters, will aspire too. Sales of HD Ready Flat Panel TVs (both LCD and Plasma) have taken the electronics market by storm, having almost single handedly turning round the retail sales slump in the UK.

Its a fact that more and more of us possess more than one HD TV in our homes.

The TV and connectivity

Weve all seen the HD Ready badge on the TVs in the shops but what does this mean in real terms. Well the vertical resolution (number of horizontal lines on the screen) is essentially 720p (progressive), 1080i (interlaced), or higher. So whats progressive and interlaced? In laymens terms, HD can be transmitted in either progressive, which is where line 1 is followed by line 2, line 3, or it can be interlaced, where the odd lines 1, 3, 5 are followed by the even lines 2, 4, 6, which is indistinguishable to the naked eye. The upshot of this is that a less bandwidth is required for interlaced (i.e. only 540 lines (half 1080)).

You will also need to sport an HD analogue connection (YpbPr (component input) through industry standard connections; (e.g. Phono) and HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) or DVI (Digital Visual Interface) digital input connector. Either digital connection must be capable of supporting HDCP (High bandwidth Digital Content Protection), which is the chosen method of rights management for HDTV. DVI (which does not carry audio) will also require connections for either RCA/Phono stereo or, as is becoming more prevalent, Dolby 5.1 surround.

The Distribution

Distribution of HD video around the home can be done in both analogue and digital formats, although analogue is the most prevalent at the moment. The use of CAT5 (5e or 6) is the best method of getting your signals around the home. This ensures that the core infrastructure of the home is set for the future should your equipment be upgraded.

Cat5 can be used in one of two ways, in simple terms as an in wall cable extender, from one location to another. It can also be used as a full multi source, multi room distribution system, allowing the quality of the HD picture to invade every room.

Most distribution systems will allow the use of a remote control in each room to control the centrally located HD equipment (e.g. HD Set-top-box, HD-DVD). When you laying in bed the last thing you want is to go down stairs to change the channel!

Not to worry if all of your equipment is not HD, because stand definition TV will travel along the same cat5 cable too.

The Conclusion

HD is stunning, HD throughout your home, even more so. Once you see it in the living room you will never want to watch that old portable in the bedroom again, so put it everywhere. To find out more about HD home distribution, and to arrange a quote, visit

Gary Slade is a technical expert with more than 6 years experience in Digital Broadcast and High Definition technologies.Berri Blog75189
Anita Blog85039

An Overview Of The Master Plan For Baltimore Schools

On July 1, 2007, Andres Alonso officially became chief executive officer of Baltimore Schools. He will oversee approximately 180 schools and 82,000 students, with the help and guidance of the Baltimore Schools master plan. The master plan is guided by the Baltimore Schools vision, which is clear, desirable, and inspiring:

Accelerating the academic achievement of all students, in partnership with the entire community, to ensure that students have the attitudes, skills, and proficiencies needed to succeed in college and in the 21st century global workforce.

The district believes that achieving this vision is entirely possible by fulfilling the Baltimore Schools mission:

To accelerate student progress through effective implementation of the Baltimore Schools master plan, focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.

The Baltimore Schools master plan priorities have been established in accordance with State guidelines and provide the core of the school system's plans for improving the academic achievement of all students. Goals of this master plan as listed below:

Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all Baltimore Schools students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts, and mathematics.

Goal 2: All Baltimore Schools students that have limited English proficiency will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

Goal 3: By 2005-2006, all core academic subject classes (CAS) will be taught by highly qualified teachers.

Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.

Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school

Goal 6: Effective management of systems will support student achievement. Such systems cover accountability, communications with parents, the community, and business partners. Baltimore Schools recognize that making a difference for its students is more than simply writing a check. Many businesses provide assistance to schools in a variety of ways including the donation of materials, merchandise and volunteer hours. There is growing evidence that school/business partnerships improve the capacity of individual families, schools and communities. Businesses are thus more willing to support teaching and learning. When students connect school work with the world of work, they are motivated to learn. There are several ways that businesses can help out Baltimore Schools: mentoring, tutoring, becoming a guest reader, giving monetary contributions, and donating school supplies. However, donations can range from pencils to computers; books to playground equipment; flowers to furniture. Volunteering in Baltimore Schools, offering internships to Baltimore Schools students, or joining the staff as an adjunct faculty member are also ways for businesses to maintain a healthy partnerships with Baltimore Schools.

It is also a goal of the district that finances and operations of facilities, transportation, and nutrition services within Baltimore Schools will be effective and efficient. Throughout all of Baltimore Schools, students, parents, teachers, and administrators have many opportunities to experience the positive changes that implementing this master plan can offer.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog35154
Celie Blog18243

How to Have Financial Peace

One of the biggest contributors toward personal peace is financial peace. Sometimes it is assumed that financial peace is only for those with endless amounts of money. In actuality, you can be financially secure at almost any income level. Avoiding common financial mistakes is the first step. This article discusses some mistakes that many of us make and how to avoid them.

I'm Too Young to Settle Down

Not investing in a home or buying one too late in life is a mistake that more and more people are making. The reason it is a financial mistake is illustrated in the following example. Let's say Brittany makes $60,000 a year, is single and rents a home for $2000 dollars a month. When tax time comes, she has little or nothing in the way of deductions. In 2005 she would have had to pay $11,665 in federal taxes alone. If she had put that same rent payment toward a mortgage payment instead and purchased a $315,000 home with a 30 year fixed rate of 6.5%, her mortgage interest deduction would have been $20,236, saving her $5,059 in taxes in 2005.

Tax savings isn't the only reason to buy a home. Another reason is the investment it represents. Let's say Brittany did buy a $315,000 home in January of 2005 and its value increased 5% in one year. The 5% increase in value would give her $15,750 in equity by 2006 and she would have paid $3,657 toward principle as well. Let's add it up. Rent money saved, $24,000 + taxes saved, $5,059 + equity earned, $15,750 + principle purchased, $3,657 - interest paid, $20,236 = $28,230, or $2,352 per month saved by purchasing a home. Even if she put $1,000 into that home each month in the way of maintenance, she still would have saved over $1,300 per month in 2005 by buying a home.

But It Was On Sale!

Accumulating debt instead of savings is the next financial error to avoid. Unless debt can almost guarantee you a future return, such as investing in a business, education or your home, it is best to avoid altogether. Even purchasing automobiles with cash is better financially in the long run. As an example, let's look at a household that has a credit card balance of $10,000. Assuming a 15% interest rate, if they pay $150.00 per month on the card and don't put anything else on it, their total interest and principle paid to that card is $21,635 before it gets paid off. It will take them over 12 years to pay it off at this rate. They are paying $80 in interest a month for the "privilege" of having credit card debt.

There is even more to the debt picture, however. Debt is not just one sided, there are opportunity costs associated with debt. If they weren't putting $150 a month toward their credit card, they could instead be putting it into a savings account. Putting $150 a month into a savings account with a 4% rate of return compounded monthly for 12 years would grow to almost $28,000, which is $21,600 in principle and $6,400 in interest earned. So now the real cost of a credit card is the interest paid, $11,635 + the foregone interest from the savings account, $6,400 = $18,035 in 12 years or $125 per month of lost money.

Do You Accept VISA for my Mortgage Payment?

Not having any liquid savings is another area that can end up hurting you financially. The minimum amount to be saved is 3-6 months of living expenses. This will help to cover loss of income or medical emergencies that may arise. This money should only be tapped for major emergencies and not for things like vacations or weddings, which should be saved for in other accounts once the liquid savings has been established. When no short-term savings is available, the risk of bankruptcy increases. With the new bankruptcy laws it is becoming increasingly difficult to erase debt.

Liquid savings is especially important when you have a large income that is not standard across the industry, or when there is not a high demand for the type of work you do. In these situations, finding a new job with the same income may be difficult. This can leave you vulnerable to rushed decisions that can damage you financially for years to come. As an example, I have a friend who had made good money at a software company for 20 years. His income was quite high because he had been with the company for a long time. The company was eventually purchased and he was laid off. He and his family had just finished building and furnishing their dream home when it happened. While they didn't have massive amounts of debt, they didn't have any liquid savings either. In order to get out from under their house payment, they sold their home for much less than it was worth, they also emptied their 401(k) and both had to take low paying jobs just to make ends meet. Now, eight years later, they are just starting to crawl out from under it all, but without their dream home or a retirement account.

Natural Disaster...Here?

Little or no insurance is a mistake that many people make hoping they won't be hit by a natural disaster. Insurance is your best defense against financial ruin in such a situation. Sitting down and talking with an insurance agent is the first step. Make sure that the policy covers those things you are worried about. Set aside the money needed for the deductible on the policy if a disaster does occur. Other things to prepare for in a disaster is the possibility of being out of work for several weeks or months, high medical bills or being left without an automobile if it is also destroyed in the disaster. Liquid savings is the answer to these problems. Remember, just because the home or vehicle no longer exist doesn't mean that their payments have gone away.

I Have Plenty of Time to Save

Not saving for retirement is a mistake that is made all too often. If you do save, there is a good possibility it is not enough to retire on. The findings of the 2006 Retirement Confidence Survey put out by the Employee Benefit Research Institute suggested that many American workers are not prepared for retirement and will have to work far longer than they expect. As an example let's look at Jane who is 55 years old and currently makes $60,000. She hopes to retire at age 65 and has already put away $250,000. By the time she retires, her home will be paid for and she assumes she can live off 70% of her current income or $42,000. If she lives to 90, she will need to have income for 25 years. Let's assume her $250,000 grows at a rate of 7% until retirement and 6% once she starts taking the money out. We need to also account for inflation which averages about 3% per year. In order to have $42,000 per year for 25 years she will need $1,151,243 in her retirement account by age 65. That means she will have to start contributing $58,919 per year for the next 10 years to reach this goal. Obviously that isn't going to be possible. What is possible is for her to push back retirement to age 75 and save about $10,000 per year until then. Her goal retirement age of 65 is not going to be a possibility.

This is a start on the road to financial peace, steering clear of financial mistakes. Learning more about the different ways investment mistakes can hurt you in the long run is the first step in avoiding future problems. Next is to not make or stop making those mistakes. It may take some time to change your habits and actions, but it will pay well in the long run if you do.

Emma Snow is a writer who specializes in financial planning. She has worked in the financial industry for over eight years. Currently Emma works on a Finance and Investing site at and Investing Partners Blog35621
Cati Blog2156

Here Are A Few Web Design Tips For Businesses Living In The Jungle

Web design has come a long way in 10 years. No longer can a business simply throw up a web site and expect their customers to drop by. It's a virtual jungle out there.

Some Internet veterans remember when their were just 3,000 web sites. Now, there are millions, and most of them aren't very effective in doing what they're supposed to be doing. The reason lies within the elements of the web sites themselves.

Web design is not an exact science, but it does require some planning. Here are a few tips that will help you design your web site with your human visitors in mind and with the search engines in your heart:

1) Include an About Us section on your web site. Make it easy for your visitors to find out exactly what you do. Be up front about it.

2) Use alt and title tags for design elements. Photos, videos, Flash presentations, and other visual and graphic elements can not be read by the search engine spiders, but alt and title tags can.

3) Give each web page a title. You will do better in the search engines.

4) Don't load your web site with graphics. Use them minimally, and then only to enhance your message.

5) Update your content every day, but don't move pages and change the URLs.

6) Like too many graphics, too much text will bore your readers. Don't bore your readers. Just include the pertinent and relevant information.

7) Start a blog. It really does work. Even if you don't get any readers, you'll get fresh content and inbound links to your web site, which the search engines love like circus clowns enjoy unicycles.

As the Web proliferates with more and web sites (web site traffic doubles every 100 days), the jungle will only get thicker. That means, the competition for traffic will get tougher and the search engines will start demanding more of web designers to attract attention from their spiders. If you plan on going online, you need to start studying design elements right now and learn how to make your web site meet the ever-changing standards of search engine friendliness and human visitor interest.

Design your web site with your customers' needs in mind, but learn what the search engines want to. It's the only way you'll survive in the jungle.

Randy Moretz has been involved in the telecommunications industry since 1993. He has owned and operated his own business since the early 1990s and currently serves as the guide and principle of The Cardinal Group. His corporate services involves the promotion of telecommunications technology, including Maxie the virtual attendant and Total Recall voice loggers, as well as Web design and hosting services. For more information about the latest communications technology for small businesses and Web services go to Blog22048
Cathe Blog24149

Preparing for Pregnancy

Unfortunately, many women are already two weeks pregnant by the time a missed period confirms it. But, by making early preparations you can give both yourself and your baby the very best chances of a successful pregnancy and healthy baby.

Getting Pregnant
Before getting pregnant, think about whether there are any hereditary medical or family conditions that need to be considered.

If you have been using any form of contraception you will obviously need to stop!

You are most likely to conceive if you have intercourse around 5 days before you ovulate. And many doctors advise having sex 2-3 times a week throughout your cycle to stand the best chance of conception.

Lifestyle Changes
Both potential mums and dads should take extra care of their diet and lifestyle when they are considering having a baby.

If either or both of you smoke or drink, you should ideally cease altogether or at the very least cut down drastically.

Dietary Changes
Improve your diet. It is important to build up a good store of vitamins and minerals before you get pregnant.

Body Weight
Even if you are not yet pregnant, you still risk high blood pressure and diabetes if you are overweight. Lose excess weight carefully by following a calorie-controlled diet and exercising regularly, not by taking appetite suppressants.

Stress can be detrimental to both mother and baby as it can cause high blood pressure and even spontaneous labour in some cases.

Although there is lots of conflicting advice about how much caffeine is safe, it is generally believed that moderate consumption is fine. You may want to cut down if you drink a lot of coffee or other caffeine- rich drinks, especially in the early weeks.

Folic Acid/ Folate
Women are often advised to take 400 micrograms of folic acid supplements from twelve weeks pre-pregnancy until twelve weeks into the pregnancy. Folic acid is also found in dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli as well as oranges and enriched breakfast cereals and wholemeal bread.

Hazards at Work
Unfortunately some working environments can lead to fertility problems or even pose a risk to the developing baby. Workplaces that may be a risk include those that work with some chemicals, X-rays, lead and anaesthetic gases.

Finally, if you think carefully about the new life you will be bringing into the world, and make the necessary changes to your lifestyle and diet, then at least you know you are giving your longed-for baby the very best chances of developing into a healthy human being.

And you can enjoy your pregnancy in the knowledge that you have done your very best. Good Luck!

This is an edited version of Preparing for Pregnancy by Sinead Hoben. You can view the full version at

Sinead Hoben is the mum of three beautiful children. Visit her website,, to view the full version of the above article or for breastfeeding articles, mums' stories, questions and answers, recommended breastfeeding and baby products, shopping and breastfeeding information and advice. Or visit her blog, Blog30192
Ariel Blog69415

FTP Hosting For Small Businesses

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an authentic and secure communication protocol designed to exchange information from one computer to another over the Internet. Irrespective of business volume, sharing information or exchanging files on the World Wide Web is a common phenomenon in every business process. Most of us are familiar with Email to share files and other information over the Internet.

The importance of FTP hosting service increased remarkably for smooth and secure business communication. File Transfer Protocol can restrict unauthorized users to intervene in the business process. If you are running a small business and looking for a secure as well as efficient communication protocol then register for a FTP hosting service. FTP hosting service will provide you a secure network with a FTP server and a Client server to exchange information over the Internet.

Selecting an FTP hosting service for your Small Business

Internet is the right place to make sufficient research on FTP hosting service providers and service charges. Free hosting services do not provide the facility of File Transfer Protocol, most cases you have to pay for this secure file transfer service. First you have to register for a selected FTP hosting service. It is recommended to select your primary domain name and secondary domain name based on the name of your company. During the registration process you have to select the period and other facilities for FTP hosting service and based on that service provider will allocate a separate space for your small business in their server.

FTP hosting service to ensure a secured network in Small Business process

FTP hosting service allows you to share all types of files (text, image, audio, multimedia etc.) to targeted FTP account holders. FTP service providers will allocate FTP accounts with unique user name and password. Therefore you can create multiple FTP user account under the registered FTP site. FTP hosting service will allow only authorized account holder to access the server that is allocated for your business. Through your FTP account you can upload copies of the files in the server. Only authorized clients, vendors or end users can view and download selected files from your FTP site through their account.

Security of digital information is necessary in Health Care Services. If you are running a small business where you have to share medical report, research papers and other types of private document then it is recommended to go for Standard FTP. Standard FTP comes with the feature like encryption, which is not available in general FTP hosting service. In this process the system will encrypt the content of the file before uploading the file in the server.

Features of FTP hosting services for Small Business

For small business you can go for basic FTP hosting. Following are some features of basic FTP hosting:

Sufficient space in the FTP server to store any types of files. You have to select the storage based on your business volume.

Web-based Control Panel

Sufficient Sub-FTP accounts for clients, vendors and employees

Daily statistics of the activities along with daily backup facility

Directories, which are protected by Password

Additional security features like Secure FTP or SSL. These features are optional and are not available with general FTP hosting services.

Based on the requirement of your small business you can enjoy additional disk space and/or additional monthly file transfer through FTP server by paying reasonable amount per month to the service provider.

Cost factors

For small business money matters, therefore it is important to select the right FTP service provider. It is observed that, some special software is required to utilize this unique file transfer service. Since you have to pay the bill for FTP hosting service throughout the period therefore it is better to select the an FTP hosting service that does not require any extra software to support the process of exchanging files over the Internet. By this you can save some extra cash for your small business.

Values of FTP hosting services are quite affordable for small business operators. So register for FTP hosting service for your small business and experience an efficient and secure process of transferring files from one location to another.

Mike Jewson is a Network Engineer with "". You can learn more about "FTP Hosting" services online at http://www.InstantFTPsites.comBrittan Blog90059
Brandi Blog85035

Extramarital Affair: Their Sex is Not Always "Hot"

Yesterday two of my coaching calls were with those whom had the extramarital affair.

Both of them hugely regret the marital infidelity. Not only that, they explicitly described their sexual encounters.

And, their sexual encounters left them cold. Literally!

The first was a male who seemingly struggled through extramarital affair #6: I need to prove my desirability. He described a life-long pattern of struggle with self-esteem. (Now, this is not news - most of us at some level question our esteem - but for him, it was more intense.)

He found someone (or maybe was was found by someone) 15 years younger who flattered him. It felt good. The flirtatious relationship lasted for some months. He reported that they "tried" to have sex on a couple occasions. The result was terribly unsatisfying and only compounded his guilt.

The second person was a female who also encountered someone 15 or so years her junior. She was traumatized to the extent that she felt like it "wasn't her." She did remember that he was unable to get an erection. I'm now working with her and her husband to "makeover" their relationship.

I bring this up to help those of you who think that the sex your spouse/partner had with the other person was something just a tad short of stupendous, or maybe was indeed a stupendous event. (Sex perhaps was on one level "good" - at least from their perspective - but this is only true for particular kinds of affairs.) Actually, I believe sex can NEVER be as good in an extramarital affair as it truly can be in a committed relationship founded on truth and integrity. But, perhaps more of that later.

Please keep in mind that you may indeed be idealizing their sexual encounters.

Many of you have difficulty shaking thoughts and vivid images of your spouse having wall-banging sex with the other person. This is OK. It's normal. Our culture sends a plethora of distorted messages concerning sex. One of them is: sex is "hot" when you are with your affair partner. Not true!

I hope this little quickie get's your mind reality based.

Dr. Robert Huizenga, the Infidelity Coach, offers infidelity help and relationship advice for coping with extramarital affairs and marital infidelity at: and Get articles and free downloads on emotional infidelity, coping with infidelity, the cheating spouse, signs of an affair, surviving infidelity and more.Beatrix Blog2626
Bella Blog61960

Limit Your Company's Liability - Start a Vehicle Accident Prevention Program

Motor vehicle crashes cost US employers over $60 billion annually in medical costs, legal expenditure, property damage, and lost productivity. While costs by state and Industry vary, on-the-job crash injuries (fatal and non-fatal) amount to about 6.5 percent of all crash injuries. As a result, the cost of workers compensation, Social Security benefits, health and disability insurance continues to rise. An investment in a comprehensive motor vehicle accident prevention program can be a winning approach to reducing these expenses and an effective tool for helping limit your company's liability exposure.

Consider the Savings

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations report entitled The Economic Burden of Traffic Crashes on Employers (request a free copy of the 35-page report on the author's web site:, the average crash costs an employer $16,500. An employee that has an on-the-job crash resulting in an injury, costs their employer $74,000. In the case of a fatality, costs often go beyond $500,000. Additionally, off-the-job crashes not only affect individual employees, they are costly to the company as well. The aforementioned NHTSA report had this to say about potential financial benefits, Traffic safety programs are an alternative to reduce health care expenses to employers without reducing the benefits offered to employees. Protecting employees from motor vehicle crash injury can be a profitable investment of time and resources.

Companies that utilize a crash avoidance program often realize immediate benefits due to the positive return-on-investment (ROI) from a well-designed safety agenda. Consider the findings of Liberty Mutual Insurance Companys report entitled Executive Survey of Workplace Safety. In their study, they found approximately 61 percent of questioned business executives think their companies receive an ROI of $3.00 or more for every $1.00 spent on improving worker safety.

Protecting Valuable Assets

Most well informed employers understand their employees are critical to the success of their business. Showing a commitment to protecting the safety and welfare of valuable workers can go a long way to help improve employee work satisfaction and retention. If your company happens to be a professional transportation or delivery business, the benefit can be even greater. With the extreme shortage of qualified truck drivers, focusing on employee wellbeing can aid in the reduction of a major cost and time encumbrancetruck driver turnover.

The costs associated with hiring and training new drivers is much better spent on furthering the safety and wellness of our employees, noted Mark W. Kadlec, VP of Human Resources & Safety at Distribution Technologies, Inc. ( Headquartered in Newbury, Ohio this bulk transport company is an example of a professional carrier benefiting from a highly focused vehicle safety regimen. Consistently recognized by the National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) for operating one of the country's safest fleets, DistTech has received the prestigious NTTC Outstanding Performance Trophy six times. Kadlec furthers, Documenting procedures, on-going safety training and the use of advanced technology allowed DistTech to improve its safety record for 15 consecutive years. Investing in state of the art driver fatigue monitors and video camera systems to alert our drivers of a potential collision, are just two examples of how we protect our employees, our assets and our customers.

Establishing an Accident Prevention Program

Depending on the size and scope of your organization, there are several things to think about in order to best accomplish your safety objectives. Obviously, for any program to be a success, it has to be committed to, and supported by company management. Once the commitment is made, consider the following measures as a part of your complete risk reduction plan:

1) Setting Goals, Documenting Procedures

Consider appointing a program manager with the task of overseeing the safety initiatives, including vehicle add-on product evaluation and written company policies specific to vehicle safety. Documenting the goals, as well as the results, should be an integral part of the program. To maximize results, share pertinent information with the employees that drive either a company owned or personal vehicle used for company-related work. You may wish to instigate both an incentive and a disciplinary action program to raise the awareness of everyone involved. Once you begin to realize measurable improvements, consider rewarding individuals for their personal commitment to improving the companys safety.

For those organizations that do not participate in any formal regulatory compliance, consider drafting key documents of your own, such as a written driver agreement, a vehicle inspection and maintenance handbook, along with an accident reporting and investigation procedure. Utilizing this documented information can help minimize further liability; be sure to amend your company policy as necessary to help eliminate reoccurring incidents.

2) Employing Aftermarket Safety Technology

Currently there are several aftermarket products available to aid drivers in the safe operation of their vehicles, many of which are cost-effective and easy to install on most trucks, vans, SUVs and cars. While it is beyond the scope of this article to address the broad array of safety solutions available today, you might consider learning more about the following:

a) Sensor Based Obstacle Detection: Backing-up sensors utilizing Doppler radar technology are extremely reliable and impervious to the affects of whether. While these devices can be more costly than the parking aid sonar-based products, they are far superior in performance for safety applications.

b) Camera Based Video Systems: Today's camera technology is extremely effective in giving visibility to blind spots that are often impossible for the driver to see. A common application is to monitor the rear of the vehicle via a color LCD display, helping to prevent reverse backing accidents.

c) Lane Departure Warning (LDW): Often camera based, these devices are most effective when used on highways and long distance driving. If the driver becomes distracted or fatigued, a warning goes off if they begin to drift into another lane.

3) Safety Education & Training

Launching your program with an initial training is an effective way to get a running start. Take the opportunity to impart your company's safety goals, employee expectations and reasons why everyone can benefit through active participation. Employee drivers should receive ongoing training; also consider offering access to an internet based driver-training course. In addition, think about adding vehicle safety content to your company newsletter, furthering education and continuously reminding employees that safety is not a part time job.

Understanding the financial burden associated with motor vehicle crashes makes for a compelling case to take action to reduce the impact. It is a known fact that many traffic crashes are avoidable; investing in a company wide motor vehicle safety program can help save lives and reduce costs, ultimately providing benefits that are hard to ignore.

Gary S. Rothstein is the President of Mobile Awareness, a company which designs and markets transportation safety products. He has 25 years experience in the engineering field of high technology electronic systems and can be reached at, 34305 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139, 866-653-5036, Copyright 2006Anissa Blog39980
Berte Blog7179

Preparing Yourself For Home Schooling

Home schooling refers to providing educational instruction to children in the home. Home schooling supplies children with a more personalized education.

Home schooling has proven itself to be a very good method of teaching children their ABC's. The home provides a very good environment for children to learn. More children feel more adjusted and more comfortable being educated at the home. And with home education, it is more the responsibility of the parents to teach their children. And because of the time spend with each other, this approach has made parents and their kids become closer with each other.

With home schooling, parents will also be able to save a lot when it comes to expenses. They no longer have to worry about getting schooling supplies for their children as required by most traditional institutions. Home school supplies are bought according to need as opposed to requirement. Aside from required learning tools, the parents are the ones responsible for providing other home schooling supplies such as pencils, notebooks, paper and the like.

If you plan on having your own kids home schooled, you might need to be prepared. One requirement is to find time to personally teach your children. With home schooling, you do not rely on anyone else to make your kids learn. That responsibility will fall on your lap. The same goes with preparing your children's home school supplies. It won't be as extensive a list as what public schools would require, but it would be wise to have your own list ready before you do your shopping. Here is a list of important things that you should always have ready on your home for your kids' home schooling supplies.

You should be able to have paper readily available in your home. This should include ample supply of typing and printing paper. You should also be including other paper supplies such as steno and college-ruled paper as your home-schooled children grow. Also include different writing instruments handy such as pencils, pens, colored pencils, crayons, chalk, markers, etc. Also include in your shopping list other items like all-purpose glue, scotch tape, rulers, erasers, staplers, paper clips, portable blackboard, and calculators.

In preparing to home school your children, you should also be able to have different learning tools available around the home. Different subjects may require various educational tools to help your children learn and understand their lessons better. For history and geography lessons, it is important to have a globe or a world map available as well as history and geography books within reach.

For science subjects, your students would require, magnifying glasses, prisms, a microscope or a telescope depending on your child's grade level. You can also include musical instruments to teach music lessons as well as other items that you think would be helpful for other subject types.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on home schooling & other information, please visit http://home-schooling.articlekeep.comBrittan Blog61403
Beatrisa Blog48034

Copyright: Internet Highway Robbery

Karri Hill learned the hard way not to trust a competitive web developer when it comes to copyright. She designed a proposal for a potential client and a few months later, saw her design online. Trouble was, she didn't receive any payment for it.

"I designed and programmed a front page into html and sent it to my potential client as a link. It was understood that they would get other proposals. I normally post the design online for my clients to view. I contacted them a few times and about 45 days later I contacted them again but they were still indecisive so I backed off, thinking that I might have been too expensive.

Just out of curiosity (and I do this on a regular basis) I checked their domain to make sure they hadn't taken my design and shopped it around for a better price. Lo and behold, they had a new website with my graphic elements and photographs -- they had stolen them from me!

Not only did they steal from me, but there were two photos on their website that I had sold to another client, who happened to be a direct competitor of theirs, both in the real estate market.

I personally took these photos -- they obviously were not stock images. As well, along the bottom of their website were a series of images of trade affiliations such as realtor logos. They have the right to the images if they are affiliated with those organizations but in the design sample that I sent to them, those images -- which comprised eight logos -- were in the same order and position. They were taken directly from my design sample. Not only were they the exact size and order, each logo still had the numbers attached that I had originally designated.

I soon discovered which website company did this and I actually know these people. I made sure all the evidence was in place, including all my pages and source code and web logs. I can prove, without a doubt, that this other website company went to my design sample page and used it because only this potential client, now their client, had access. Turns out that someone in the realty company gave the web designers the link to my design and the real estate company apparently went onto my website, looked at my portfolio and liked my photos. When the other web company signed a contract, the client forwarded my photos to them.

The other web development company is far cheaper than me and no doubt this is the reason they got the commission. This is how they can be so cheap: they farm out all of their programming to India. There, a programmer is hired for one month at $1,500. The downside is that the client gets a lesser product and the client has to supply all graphics, images, photos etc.

I spend a lot of time on copyrighting -- there's a big difference between writing in text and putting in type. I spend a lot of time editing and choosing words; it is a lengthy process to do it well. Then someone comes along and takes away all my hard work.

All the design samples I sent to this real estate company state that copyright belongs to my company and it stays that way until, or unless, it is paid for. Then I change copyright to the client. There should have been no confusion.

I phoned the real estate company first, the people who gave away my design, and spoke with the owner. "Oh s**t," he said; he knew he was in copyright violation. I then contacted the web design company and asked them to take my photos down. He said he would contact his client for direction. The next day the images were still there. I wouldn't take no for an answer and said I would go after them legally and that would mean taking their entire site down.

I'm sure my design template is now sitting on someone's computer in India. These companies are known to modify templates and for all I know, they can just change my html and a few colors and may have used it a few dozen times by now. Now I can't use my design because I can't tell future clients that it is original.

Unless I get an attorney to take my case on a contingency basis there's not much I can do. I am a sole proprietor and don't have deep pockets so the best I can hope for that the offending material is removed and somebody pays me for the time I spent on this design that by now has been shopped all over the world.

A few weeks ago I sent the real estate guy, the person who gave my design away, a bill for my time working on the design -- not including the time I spent in his office. I'm hoping he has some integrity. I am a single Mom putting two kids through college. I don't expect to get every job I quote on but I don't expect to be stolen from. One of the things I told this guy was that you get what you pay for. I don't profess to know copyright law, but I do know that this has infringed upon my rights. A cheap website is going to cost them a lot more than I was going to charge, especially when they are confronted with a class action lawsuit."

If you or someone you know has had a trademark, copyright or patent has been infringed on, you may be entitled to compensation. Please contact www.lawyersandsettlements for more information.

Jane Mundy is a staff writer for Blog19579
Ali Blog27935

Mutual Funds - A Secure Investment

Mutual funds are a collection of stocks and/or bonds invested in different securities, which include fixed market securities and money market instrumentals. It facilitates investors to put their money under an efficient investment management. There are three types of mutual funds namely, income funds, growth funds, and balanced funds.

The basic principle underlying mutual funds is to pool in money with other people to convert it into funds. Mutual funds generally buy shares in stocks wherein an experienced fund manager performs the task of selecting, purchasing and selling off the stocks himself. Certificates are then issued to the shareholders as a testimony of proof of their partnership and participation in the emoluments of funds.

There are particularly three ways in which you can make money from a mutual fund. They are:

1. Benefits can be earned from the commission on stocks, and interests on bonds. All the income received all round the year is paid by the funds in the form of a distribution.

2. The fund will have an outstanding benefit provided the funds sell high priced securities. Most of the profits are given back to the investors in a distribution.

3. The value of the funds share automatically increases with an increase in the value of unsold high priced fund holdings. Accordingly, you can always sell shares of your mutual fund for profits.

Many people find investing in mutual funds an attractive option to that of dealing directly with the stock market because it is comparatively safe. In fact, these days, mutual funds have become the first preference of many investors. Mutual funds provide a balanced and better approach compared to conventional stock market alternatives. It has an added advantage of investing in several distinct sectors and firms, so, if one company suffers losses, the others may be rising. Investing in mutual funds, therefore, minimizes the loss-bearing risk of monetary assets.

In a nutshell, here are the salient points of the advantages of mutual funds:

1. Cost-effectiveness of investing in mutual funds: The main advantage of investing in mutual funds is the efficient management of your finances. Investors buy funds because they lack the competence and time to manage their own portfolio. It is a cost effective method, especially for a small investor because it is expensive to get a manager to manage individual investments.

2. Diversification: Compared to individual stocks or bonds, mutual funds diversify the risk of bearing loss. The basic intention being to invest in a diverse number of assets in order to overcome the negatives of loss making stocks or bonds by the profits reaped by others.

3. Economy of Scale: The transaction expenses are relatively low as a mutual fund is bought and sold in large amounts of credits.

4. Liquidity: Mutual funds provide the opportunity of converting shares into cash at any point of time.

5. Simplicity: It is easy to buy a mutual fund. Most companies have their own automatic purchase plans, and the minimum investment rates are very small.

Therefore, investing in mutual funds is certainly a secure investment as the chance of loss is spread out, and the opportunity for gains are numerous. At the same time, it is both cost-effective and an investment that gives great future returns.

The days of depending on government largesse in meeting old age financial requirements are growing dimmer by the day. Hence, investing in mutual funds can be a wise choice, especially for those who plan for an early retirement and hope to enjoy a secure senior citizenship.

Joe Kenny writes for the UK Loans Store offering UK secured loans and offer more information on UK bad credit loans and other loan topics available on site. Visit Today: Blog27985
Angela Blog18889

Choose The Best Online Degree Program In 7 Easy Steps

Online degrees have become popular in the last few years, as the Internet has penetrated a huge percentage of households in the USA and the rest of the world.

The advantages of going for a n online degree are obvious - you can set your won schedule for the classes, you can attend at least most of the program from home and dont need to get yourself to an actual class somewhere, the tuition is in many cases lower and the degree is recognized by many institutes and employers.

So, it seems like a great deal, doesn't it? Well, it is a good deal in many cases, but like every deal, you should carefully look into it and then decide on the best way to go, that will suit you needs in the best possible way.

When you look at the online degree option, ask your self the following questions:

Which institute is the best for me? Many institutes have a online degree program, but you should choose the best one for your need. The most prestigious institutes doesn't necessarily have the most suitable program for your needs. You want to explore and read as many reviews and recommendations as you can about the specific program you want to attend, and choose according to that.

Do I have the funds? Having a degree will in most cases help you earn more at your job or occupation. Buy, short term, you need money to pay the tuition. Make sure you take all the expanses into account and figure out where to get the money from. If you need a load - make sire you know where to get one.

Do I have the time? - We all struggle to make more time within our lives. Doing an online degree will require you to allocate more time, maybe 1-2 hours a day. Make sure you can make the time to meet your academic obligations.

Attendance needed? Some online degree programs require some kind of attendance, so they are not completely online. Make sure you are able to meet the minimum attendance required in your chosen program.

Online degree can be a real blessing for all those who seek to advance in their career and make more money in their jobs. They can now do that without the need to change their scheduled around. After examining the online programs closely, you are sure to find the one that meets your needs.

Visit from Jane Ling, for more ononline degrees, online education and other information.Cele Blog3180
Anny Blog84185

The Benefits of Free Online Dating for Single Parents

Getting involved in the dating world can be a challenge for some single parents. To begin with, the hectic schedule and responsibilities of having children restrict many parents' abilities and desire to go out and meet new people. The financial pressure of being a single parent can also make expensive dinner dates, new outfits, and pricey dating services out of the question. These hindrances can make dating a daunting, exhausting, and unpleasurable experience.

What's the solution that so many are now turning to? Free online dating for single parents. For all the road blocks faced by single parents who want to get back into the dating world, free online dating may just be the perfect solution.

The ease and convenience of meeting thousands of new people from one spot in the home (at the computer) makes it much easier for parents to balance the responsibilities of being at home to take care of the kids, while simultaneously getting in touch with countless new singles in their area. Single parents can also state up front that they have children from previous relationships, which removes the need to find an appropriate way to tell a date. Needless time and energy is not spent on dating and meeting other singles who are ultimately uninterested in people who already have children.

Online dating for single parents also provides an opportunity for parents to meet other singles with children. Meeting other single parents can provide good opportunities to meet and discuss issues with other single parents. The speed and ease of online dating, which allows singles to sort through and filter all potential dates allows single parents to get to know potential dates a bit more before meeting in person. This aspect of online dating, especially for members using free sites, saves single parents from spending unnecessary cash on dinners, outfits, and babysitters, not to mention time that could be spent with children. Free online dating for single parents is a great solution for any single parents looking to get back into the dating world.

Joe Davidson provides kisscafe with interesting articles about Online dating.Buffy Blog39067
Catharina Blog44589

Website Basics-Choosing a Hosting Plan

Once your website has been created, it is time to make it go live on the internet. In order to do so, you will need a hosting plan. A hosting plan is different from a domain name. You own your domain name but you rent a hosting plan. A hosting plan in its simplest terms is paying a company to broadcast your website onto the internet. This article covers what to look for in a hosting plan.

SERVICE The number one thing to look for in a hosting plan is service. It does not matter that a multitude of features are offered or if the price is low if the service you will be getting with your hosting plan is sub par or even worse, nonexistent. Once your website is live on the internet you will want it to be up all the time. Therefore should a problem occur it is important to select a hosting provider that is readily available and will resolve the issue in as timely a manner as possible.

UPTIME What is the hosting company's "uptime guarantee". Many guarantee 99% uptime for their servers. That sounds great, but it does mean that your site could go down for 1% of the time, which means over 7 hours out of each month! If you can, choose a host guaranteeing 99.9 uptime.

SIZE How large is your site? Most sites do not require much space but if you're planning on having a large site with a lot of multimedia content or an ecommerce site selling multiple items, you'll probably need additional disk space.

DESIGN How was your Web site designed? For example, if you designed a website using ASP or ASP.NET, you'll need to find a Windows hosting plan. If you have a Web site that uses CGI or PHP, you'll need to get a Linux hosting plan. For the novice user who is building a simple website the above may not be a consideration at first, but may become important later on as you become more experienced and add more features to your website.

TRAFFIC How much traffic or how many visitors do you expect monthly? The more visitors or traffic you expect on your site, the higher the bandwidth you will need.

At we offer 99.7% guaranteed uptime and service 24/7, and a variety of shared hosting, virtual dedicated hosting, and dedicated hosting plans with either Linux or Windows operating systems for every need and budget ranging from the small personal website to large online multimedia sites to those interested in ecommerce website building. Check us out HERE.

StartMyWebsiteToday.COM was created by Richard James to provide information and website building tools tailored to all levels of expertise from beginner to expert and for all budgets from shoestring to unlimited. More articles on related subjects can be found by visiting: This article is copyrighted, please do not alter in any way.Aprilette Blog99104
Candy Blog86520

The Advantages Of Using Teak Furniture

Teak is truly a super wood. Its many qualities make it an attractive choice when people are buying their furniture, for either inside or outside.


Teak is a dense, coarse, close-grained hardwood. It contains naturally high levels of resinous oil that acts as an insect repellent and allows it to be resistant to moisture and the drying effects of weather. In fact, it is so high in natural oils that it doesnt need to be treated with oil or varnish for it to be suitable for use in exposed locations. Its this durability that makes teak furniture ideal for use outdoors.


Teak also contains silica, which makes it resistant to fungal decay, water, rotting, warping, shrinking, swelling and many chemicals. It will not rust or corrode metals it comes in contact with and it can withstand the elements of all seasons. Teak is highly resistant to moisture, fire, acid and alkalis. Teak furniture often appears in the most unlikely places, such as the kitchen. At first glance, you might think that teak would not be a suitable material for the kitchen. However, it is the very fact that it can withstand so much that makes it an ideal wood to use in this room and others. It wont rot, stain or burn easily. This, combined with the fact that it is an extremely heavy wood, with dense fibres that make it relatively easy to cut and graft, make it one of the finest woods from which to construct furniture.

Natural beauty

Teak has a very attractive straight grain, which draws the eye immediately. It needs minimal maintenance and does not need to be treated or sealed on a regular basis in the way other woods do. Teak wood has inherent imperfections which serve to enhance its natural beauty. If you are looking for unique furniture which is full of character, then teak is the wood for you.

Napton Teaks have a wide range of beautiful teak furniture to suit every taste. Visit their website now by clicking on Blog38861
Berenice Blog3395

Protect Your System With Rollback Rx

Whether you are a home user or IT professional, Rollback Rx provides you with an essential system restore utility, giving you the flexibility to do a PC restore in the event of a system crash or any other serious program error. You can rollback to the point you want, choosing from the numerous snapshots of your entire system. The flexibility of Rollback Rx must be experienced to appreciate it.

Rollback Rx system restore software has powerful capabilities with which fixing computer problems becomes a tension-free process with the least downtime imaginable and without depending on expensive technical support.

Configure According To Convenience

You can configure Rollback Rx to take a new snapshot before you set up a new program. By scheduling it to take an event-based snapshot, defining executables, you can have Rollback Rx take a new snapshot before the defined new program is launched. Defrag your drives before you install Rollback Rx in your system. Rollback Rx has a snapshot defragmenter built into it that you can use to defrag your system too. It works very fast. Though, when you want to defrag your drives with a third party tool, remove Rollback Rx from your system, defrag your drives and then re-install Rollback Rx for optimum performance.

Rollback Rx is a very useful tool to use in patch management, making the process effective. You can take a pre-patch snapshot of your system and if the patch happens to fail, you can always rollback the system to the pre-patch snapshot instantly, allowing you to quickly fix computer problems.

Is Rollback Rx Similar To Windows System Restore?

As far as restoring system configuration to an earlier point in time is concerned, Rollback Rx and Windows System restore are similar. But Windows system restore stops at protecting system files. It does not protect data, programs and user settings. Rollback Rx protection is complete which means it protects everything on your hard drive including each and every file you were working on right up to the moment your computer problem occurred. If Windows does not start up, system restore cannot work.

But with Rollback Rx, even if Windows fails to start, you need not worry. Your computer settings can be restored and within a reboot cycle, you can have your system operational, because Rollback Rx installs below the Windows operating system, so that it can fix computer problems even when there is a complete crash. Also, Windows system restore occupies 5-15% space on your hard disk for every snapshot it takes. Rollback Rx only uses 0.07% space for a snapshot. It also does not run in the background, conserving free space, which you can use for other things.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Barry Blog65485
Annecorinne Blog93910

Learning in the 21rst Century: The Educational Playing Field Is Leveled

I never try to teach my students anything, I only try to create an environment in which they can learn.
--- Albert Einstein

The 21rst century is going to change how people learn and earn their degrees of choice. Many of the worlds top universities are studying distance learnings many trends, so theyll be ready for an entirely new type of student emerging today distance learners. It is projected by both International Data Corporation and Gartner Group that the majority of students in colleges and universities throughout the world.

Consider the factors that the top universities around the world are looking at, and be encouraged that the future of advanced education is coming to a personal computer near you. The educational playing field is getting leveled; and its making it much more affordable and available for anyone looking to improve themselves:

Women have outnumbered men on college campuses since 1979, and are 60% of distance or online learning students who are over 25. For many women who are already committed to their families, communities and friends, interrupting their lives especially those who are mothers is very tough. Distance learning is going to give more women than ever before a chance to improve themselves, than has ever been possible in the past. Whats so exciting about this is the chance for women to achieve their potentials while caring for their family, friends and community.

Foreign students no longer hindered by visas or green cards. For literally millions of students who want to attend universities in nations other than their native one, the hassles of getting even a visa to stay for a semester or year at a time are over. International Data Corporation predicts that 500,000+ foreign students, or 3.5% of total postsecondary enrollees, study online and spend over $13 billion over the time of their degrees.

Gartner Group sees the potential of 1.6 million international distance-learning candidates by 2005. With the pervasive adoption of Internet access on virtually every continent, Gartner Group sees major growth globally for distance learning in highly developed and emerging nations as well.

International Data Corporation predicts that by 2005 there will be 45 million users online in higher education alone. At the heart of why so many universities are focused on distance learning is that by 2005, the online education market will be $215B in revenue. Given the escalating costs of in-class courses and tuition fees, the worlds universities have no choice but to embrace distance learning and reach students where they are, with new programs that are affordable for those students on a global scale.


Its a very bright future for anyone interested in getting to their educational goals with online learning programs. The worlds universities continue to see their costs escalate up for their traditional programs; online and distance learning is a low-cost approach for them to reach double or even triple the students they teach today. The bottom line is that the playing field for anyone in the world looking to better themselves through distance learning is getting leveled daily a quality education is as close as a personal computer with an internet connection.

Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information at and Blog72397
Bambi Blog77126

Objections To A Single-Payer Plan In America

1) The government can't run anything. I don't trust the government.

The current gang in Washington may be a good reason not to trust the government to do ANYTHING right.

However, Medicare and Social Security are good examples of systems that run well and on time. People receive their checks the same time every month and health care is provided: on time.

2) I'm a free market person and don't want any part of "socialized medicine."

Single Payer Insurance is defined as a single government fund with each state which pays hospitals, physicians and other health care providers, thus replacing the current multi-payer system of private insurance companies.

It would provide coverage for the fifty million people who are uninsured.

It would eliminate the financial threat and impaired access to care for tens of millions who do not have coverage and are unable to afford the out-of-pocket expenses because of deficiencies in their insurance plans.

It would return to the patient free choice of health care provider and hospitals, not the choice that only the restrictive health plans allow.

It would relieve businesses of the administrative hassle and expense of maintaining a health benefits program.

It would remove from the health care equation the middleman-the managed care industry-that has broken the traditional doctor-patient relationship, while diverting outrageous amounts of patient care dollars to their own coffers.

It would control health care inflation through constructive mechanisms of cost containment that improve allocation of our health care resources, rather than controlling costs through an impersonal business ethic that robs patients of care so as to increase profits for the privileged few. Single Payer Universal Health Care would provide access to high quality care for everyone at affordable prices.

3) Canadians have long waiting periods and come to the U.S. for their health care needs. Therefore, such a plan would make for waiting periods in the U.S.

First of all, ask almost any Canadian if they would trade our system for theirs. The answer is a resounding "NO."

They may have to wait for elective surgeries, for instance, but we have to wait for these kinds of surgeries, as well.

Canadians have the option to buy extra coverage to get heroic measures covered, say in the case of Cancer treatment.

At 9% of their GDP, they are spending much less than we are as a nation. We, the wealthiest nation on earth, spend 14 % of our GDP.

4) Our country cannot afford to insure everyone.

Our country already has enough funds dedicated to health care to provide the highest quality of care for everyone. Studies have shown that under a single payer system, comprehensive care can be provided for everyone without spending any more funds than are now being spent.

Not only do we have more than sufficient funds, we are also a nation that is infamous for our excess health care capacity. Typical of these excesses is the fact that there are more MRI scanners in Orange County, CA than in all of Canada.

With our generous funding and the tremendous capacity of our health care delivery system, the delays would not be a significant limiting factor in the U.S.

5) Americans do not want "Socialized Medicine."

Socialized medicine is a system in which the government owns the facilities, and the providers of care are government employees.

In sharp contrast, a single payer system uses the existing private and public sector health care delivery systems, preserving private ownership and employment. The unique feature of a single payer system is that all health care risks are placed in a universal risk pool, covering everyone. The pool is funded in a fair and equitable manner so that everyone pays their fair share in taxes, unlike our current defective system in which some pay far too much while others are not paying their share. The funds are allocated through a publicly administered program resulting in optimum use of our health care dollars.

A single payer system has no more in common with socialized medicine than our current Medicare program.

Socialism is a dirty word in this country. Universal health care for all has been equated with socialism, and much propaganda has been communicated by the press, by right wing politicians, by medical groups such as the AMA or anyone else who has an agenda to keep the 1500 plus health insurance companies a thriving market with profits that undoubtedly help to pay for their agendas.

6) A Universal Single-Payer would lower the standard of care to a level of mediocrity for everyone, preventing the affluent from exercising his or her option to obtain the highest level of care.

Our current system is characterized by essentially two alternatives: either no insurance with severely impaired access to even a mediocre level of care, or being insured by a managed care industry that has whittled down what is available until mediocrity has become the standard of care. Only the relatively affluent have access to unlimited care.

The generous level of funds that we have already dedicated to health care, adding to this a more efficient administration with an exclusive mission of optimum patient care well above the mediocrity that we now have, lays the foundation for a universal health care system in America.

A single payer system does not preclude the affluent from paying, outside the system, for a penthouse suite in the hospital, or for cosmetic surgery or for any other service that would not be part of a publicly funded program.

But if Americans knew the truth, and would turn off their TVs and use that time instead to change this country, using the power of grassroots politics, to make a single payer universal system a reality for all, then we would finally have the best health care system in the world.

Any group with the passion to change the world, one issue at a time, with a loving intent, can do it.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog: http://www.nursehealers.typepad.comAmara Blog39715
Ashely Blog69989

Selling More of Your Product Online in 2006

One of the most important things to consider when selling your product is, who are you selling your product to?

There are many opportunities online to sell your product online. You can spend money on advertising using products offered by companies such as Google, you can submit your business to several directories, or you can develop relationships with others with content driven information relating to offering consumers information that is beneficial to their future.

An example of selling products by targeting your market would be to use Google services that can market your product to a selected territory. Perhaps through research you have identified possible locations by city or country that would benefit from your product or service. You have uncovered market information that this could be a possible successful area for sales generation. For more information on Google software and sales for promotion of your business see:

Targeting your clients is also important in understanding the future of your business. There are certain reasons why consumers may choose your product over others. What makes your product stand out, is it past success in solving a problem or does it provide something new for innovation. A good way to create such a plan is to design a benefits analysis. For more information on Web Marketing plans online see:

Cross marketing situations can be beneficial for businesses in related industries. One such example could be the financial industry. People need bank accounts, loans, insurance, mortgages and a wide variety of financial services. If you are a provider in this industry and you have an online service or software solutions then perhaps linking with others that target may be beneficial to your business. For more information on the benefits of linking and SEO see:

A final opportunity area would be direct advertising with sites. You can check into various sites you can put your ad on whether they are major search sites or content driven sites that provide information.

Various examples are the tried and true, and

Examples for Directories that are beneficial are:, and

A final option would be liinking with other content driven providers, you will have to take the time to search and choose who you would like to deal with in search of future business relationships.

In summary, this is a realistic way you can get started in developing your online business for success in 2006. All the best.

Daryl Des Marais is a Business Development Consultant that has helped several entrepreneurs in service businesses expand and develop their businesses revenues and/or locations. He is a private partner in Blog67170
Berrie Blog60896

Top Players In Digital Camera Market

Selecting a digital camera is definitely not an easy task with hundreds of brands available in the market. Before you decide to buy, you should take a look at the many features like optical quality, zoom, storage media and etc. These are only a few features among the many digital camera models to be compared. In terms of image quality, the amount of mega pixel resolution and the quality of the lens are the main factors that determine the sharpness of the pictures. And one of the best ways to know the quality and crispness of pictures is to see a printed picture.

As for image storage, there are many different kinds of storage media or flash memory cards available for digital cameras, which are rewritable chips that do not require power in order to retain the content. This makes it possible to take many photos without the fear of losing them before they are stored in CD-ROM or hard disk of the computer.

Surely, choosing a digital camera is not an easy task with so many models and range of mega pixels, features and different prices. Some of major brands available in the market are Argus, BenQ, Canon, Casio, Disney, Epson, Fujifilm, HP, JVC America, Kodak, Konica Minolta, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Polaroid, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sony and Toshiba. However the most popular among them are Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, and Kodak.

Sony`s digital cameras are among the most innovative and popular in the industry. The cameras range from tiny 2 mega pixel point & shoots to bulky 8+ mega pixel units. Some of Sony digital cameras that are selling fast are Cybershot N2, Cybershot S700, and Cybershot T20.

Canon is also ruling the market with its amazing array of models. They receive high ratings from consumers because of their impressive construction and top quality images. Canon produces a wide variety of cameras, ranging from small point and shoot ELPH series to the professional range of SLRs. The most popular ones are Canon PowerShot A460, PowerShot A710 IS and PowerShot A640.

Nikon is not far behind in the consumer digital market where it is one of the major players.The Coolpix line of cameras with its impressive D-series SLRs has made a splash in the camera scene. Take a look at the fast selling ones: Nikon D40, Coolpix S50 and Coolpix L12.

Kodak digital cameras are known for their simplicity and quality. The easiest to operate when compared to its competitors. The one-touch image downloading, emailing, and printing features have made this brand even more popular in the market. Take a look at few of the models in the market: Kodak EasyShare V1003, EasyShare V803 and Easyshare C653.

Among the other major brands is the Olympus that offers innovative features like the 10x optical zoom on the Ultra Zoom models and the weather-proof body of the Stylus series. Some of the popular ones are Olympus Stylus 550UZ, Stylus 760 and Stylus 770 SW.

Before you start shopping for a digital camera, it will be helpful to know the lingo. Understand what the salespeople are talking about when they drop these digital camera terms - Borderless, CCD, Compact Flash, Digital Zoom, DPI, Firmware, F-stop, Image Format, Grayscale, LCD Screen, Mega pixel, Memory Card, Memory Stick, Optical Zoom, Secure Digital, SLR and xD Picture Card. So, to be on the safer side, it is better to have the knowledge of these terms so that you don`t get cheated.

There is so much that goes into buying a digital camera. Wrestle all the details under control with the various brochures provided by the manufacturers before deciding to buy one for yourself.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog28569
Caitlin Blog62463

Conservative Report Applauds Bush And Progress Of Florida Schools

The Koret Task Force is a group of Hoover Institution scholars and conservative think tank. The group released a nine-month review report in September that commends Governor Jeb Bush on his efforts to reform the Florida schools.

The results were formally announced at an Orlando Hotel with the members of the Task Force and Bush present, as well as Representative Ralph Arza, a Republican from Hialeah and chairman of the House Pre K-12 Committee.

Paul E. Peterson, the editor for the report, commended Bushs implementation of voucher programs, especially the McKay Scholarship and Corporate Tax Credit programs, both of which pay for students to attend private schools (McKay covers disabled children and the Corporate program covers impoverished children). He called the programs trendsetters for the rest of the nation. Peterson also praised the newly implemented merit-based pay system for Florida schools teachers, the first statewide program of its type in the United States.

The report encouraged the state legislature to restore the Opportunity Scholarship Program for the Florida schools, which the Florida Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional in January. The program enabled students who had attended Florida schools graded as F twice within four years to use state money to attend private schools.

The report stated that Florida schools students had made impressive gains in reading and math on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (F-CAT) since 1998. The Florida schools also are better than the national average in closing the achievement gap between minority students and whites.

The Task Force recommends that the Florida schools accountability system should place more emphasis on student growth, rather than overall performance. Another recommendation is for a less centralized control of Florida schools with more room for individual schools to decide how to spend classroom funding.

The report supports Bushs efforts to repeal the class size reduction amendment, passed by voters in 2002. Besides being too costly for the Florida schools, Peterson stated that very little evidence supported its benefits and recruiting enough experienced teachers is difficult.

Though the study was intentionally conducted by academics in order to distance it from political views that frame the current educational debate, many question the validity of the report. Mark Pudlow, spokesman for the Florida Education Association, the states teacher union, particularly took issue with the reports recommendation to make the probation period for Florida schools teachers five years versus three, noting that it takes away more teacher involvement. As to the other results found by the report, he said they were exactly what the Union expected, with Bush supporters funding it.

The $250,000 report was privately funded with the aid of two Republican donors Outback Steakhouse founder Chris Sullivan and Ft. Lauderdale cardiologist Dr. Zachariah P. Zachariah. Both men have donated extensively to GOP causes, including Bushs campaigns.

Representative Arza said he would fight to protect the governors reforms, as well as to implement the recommendations of the task force to the legislature, including the repeal of the class size reduction amendment for the Florida schools.

We have made progress in this state over the last eight years, noted Bush at the ceremonies. We know, because we measure. Its one of the guiding principles of what we do.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Florida schools visit Blog50399
Berti Blog6630

Tips For Finding Affordable Health Insurance

One of the most important things in our lives is finding an affordable health insurance, and its better to get it as soon as possible. Illness is never welcome, bad but without an insurance plan it may become disastrous. Imagine how fast the bills will pile up if you get sick, and if you do not have a good coverage, how are you going to pay them? And if you think a bit further, apart from being bankrupt, in the worst scenario the lack of a decent health insurance can even lead to a lethal end. You know how expensive all the treatments are, especially for the more serious diseases, and if you dont get those on time because you can not afford them the situation becomes very bad. In the end once it is too late, it really is and no one can change that.

I am going to tell you this story, because I want to help as many people as possible not to make the mistake my cousin made. She actually never considered even looking for an affordable health insurance, thinking that she is still healthy enough and too young to go for that option. But out of nowhere her condition changed rapidly, and after ignoring it for some time she finally took notice of it. Unfortunately it proved to be cancer, and she couldnt afford the expensive treatments. The whole family tried helping her, they were organizing fund raisings for her, helped her with money of their own, etc. while the only thing she needed was an affordable health care plan. She didnt get it on time and despite her being so positive about starting one now, it was already late. Being sick she had the so called prior condition, meaning that no company will cover treatment for a disease she already had.

What more convincing and important reason do you need in order to get an affordable health insurance. You just have to start searching and not to give up until you find the right one for you, speaking of affordable ones, the best choice usually is to get one thats through your employer. Its very simple big employers get big quantities, and for quantities they get discounts, so they can provide you with a much cheaper health care plan than the ones you could get yourself. Its different when you are self-employed. Then it is harder to get an affordable one and you usually end up paying quite a lot for the same type of coverage.

However there are ways to get over this obstacle also. You can for example run a group health insurance with other self-employed people, then it will be pretty much as cheap as if you were getting it from an employer. No matter how difficult it may be, just make sure to get one, one way or another you must have an affordable health insurance, so that even if it makes your life a bit harder, you will be pretty sure that you have that same life protected and your expenses covered in case something happens.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning family. Learn more at Blog14431
Carry Blog64485

Smooth Face, A Dream Of One And All, Retin-A Realizes

Youth is the name of excitements, passion, wishes, energies and attraction. Attraction starts from face and penetrates deep in the heart. Puberty brings a natural glow which is easily visible on the faces of newly young people. This glow makes a personality attractive which ties-up millions in the bond of love. But, acne can ruin out the plot of this love story. Acne is commonly known as pimples and acne vulgaris is what we call it in medical terminology. According to an estimate, about 95% people of the world who have crossed the age of puberty have suffered from this problem. Sometimes after crossing teenage acne automatically disappears. But in some people, acne persists for long duration.

Acne not only affects face but it also can occur on neck, back, upper portion of arms and thighs. Acne leaves permanent scars over affected area even after their automatic disappearance. Acne is an inflammatory disease which must be treated with proper medication. Acne can be treated well, when you are aware about the root cause for its occurrence.

This disease is related with sebaceous glands which under the influence of puberty hormones secrete excessive oil. These glands are an indispensable part of your skin. Secretion of oil blocks the hair follicles, which restrict excretion of harmful substances through them. The accumulation of oil in the hair follicles is the perfect habitation for bacteria Propionibacterium acne. Rapid growth of this bacterium forms cyst beneath the skin and bulge it. The treatment of Acne is done by different methods like use of oral medications, laser therapy, light therapy and topical medications.

Topical antibiotic creams and gels are the better ways for Acne cure. Whenever, you apply topical medication it directly works over the affected areas and kills the bacteria present there. Topical creams and gels also open hair follicles by removing dead skin and oil from it. There are numerous anti-acne topical creams and gels available in the market, but Retin-A and Retin-A micro are very popular for their high effectiveness. Retin-A and Retin-A micro are the two different forms of the same drug. Retin-A is the cream and Retin-A micro is an aqueous gel; the only difference in two forms is, in gel formulation the medication more easily enters in the skin.

These medications are topical-prescription drugs which attack on acne by two ways. Firstly, it looses the plugs of acne and pushes the hard cyst on the surface of skin. For preventing future occurrence of Acne, these drugs stick skin cell together.

The drug may have some mild side effects like redness and peeling of skin. These side effects are mild, moreover side effects are rare. Retin-A gel and cream is easily available through an online order. Now, there is no problem in getting smooth and glowing face.

Alan Anderson writes on health, beauty and hairstyles. He has been working in the same field and writes articles for Hair Care subject. To learn more about Propecia, Hair care tips, Rogaine, Hair loss treatment, Retin-A, Best hair loss remedy, Stop hair loss visit Blog40475
Astrid Blog77896

Calcium Deficiency-are Your Bones Ready For It?

Calcium is the kind of mineral that is most likely to be a deficient in an average human diet. Currently, calcium deficiency is a common condition to every individual. According to the official statistics gathered by the Federal government, only 21 percent of the total population in the United States is getting the required amount of calcium.

Importantly, having calcium deficiency may result to a long term thinning of the bones, osteoporosis or the softening of the bony tissue and commonly called as osteomalacia. Also, the defective metabolism of the calcium in the body during childhood may result to the condition called rickets A recent study showed that lack of the required calcium level may cause hypertension or high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Perhaps youve heard it many times that calcium deficiency may result to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, is often diagnosed when its too late just to reverse the conditions development. In United States, close to about 10 million individuals have osteoporosis that is caused by calcium deficiency. Close to another 34 million people is experiencing low bone mass, placing them to the risk of having the disease.

Having insufficient calcium intake to the body may result to the drawing of the reserves of calcium levels in your teeth and bones. With calcium deficiency, your bones will become lighter, hollow, and be porous. In weak bones, possible fractures in spine and weakened hips can take place easily and may end to permanent disability, cruel pain, hospitalization, and even death.

Moreover, there are other calcium deficiency symptoms that can be observed by anyone. Since calcium is also present in nails and teeth, having calcium deficiency may bring brittle nails and tooth decay. In view of the fact that your body requires a small level of calcium to move through soft tissues and bodily fluids every time, inadequate calcium intake can bring these additional symptoms and these are:

Experiencing muscle cramps.
Having muscle spasms in arms and legs.
Leg and back cramps
Tingling and numbness, and
Joint pain

Fortunately, to prevent having calcium deficiency, you must take enough amount of calcium whether its in dietary form or in calcium supplements. On the other hand, one of the popular ways to prevent calcium deficiency is to take the calcium supplement commonly called coral calcium. However, you must consult first a health care provider for you to have the right amount of calcium.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on calcium, please visit Blog27262
Ailyn Blog9682

Hot Market For Ultrasound Schools Graduates

To jumpstart your new career in a growing field, find and compare ultrasound schools with our quick and easy search for programs specializing in diagnostic medical sonography (ultrasound). In a heartbeat, you'll have information on the schools available in your area as well as online training options.

If you're wondering whether ultrasound training is really worth it, consider this:

-- A first year ultrasound technician can now earn up to $72,000 annually in the United States, which is a 30% increase over what sonographers earned just three years ago.

-- The number of jobs for diagnostic medical sonographers is expected to continue increasing for several years as scientists and physicians find new uses for the technology. For example, as ultrasound relies on sound waves rather than radiation, many patients and doctors prefer it over traditional x-rays. In addition, with the growing trend towards outpatient care, there are more private clinics springing up across the nation, and they need to employ their own team of sonographers.

-- While ultrasound is probably best known for its use in tracking pregnancies, ultrasound technicians can work in a variety of medical areas, such as neurology (brain), cardiology (heart), and oncology (cancer), among others.

-- Jobs for recent ultrasound schools graduates combine technical skill with human contact. Ultrasound technicians have direct contact with patients and are often responsible for explaining the procedure to them.

-- Competition for jobs is generally limited to other qualified individuals who have studied at ultrasound Schools or received comparable training.

You may think years of schooling are required to become an ultrasonagrapher. Actually, you can complete your training and join the workforce in as little as two years if you choose to study for an Associate's Degree. You can also study for a four-year Bachelor's Degree in ultrasound. Many colleges offer both options. Online study programs are also available and can often be completed in less time.

Ramon Mackenzie is the webmaster for To get an idea of the ultrasound Schools out there and learn more about their programs, check out Blog11691
Cari Blog24986

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